New neighbours

Isn't it just a part of human nature to worry about the people who are about to move into your street?
Well OK, the Fort de Brégancon is a 10-minute drive away, not a few doors down the hill from us. And as you can see, it is not the kind of plcae where you just park outside and pop in for a cup of tea or glass of rosé.
But when the person who occupies it happens to be a head of state, you tend to play up the connection. Drinks on the patio here in Le Lavandou await the eventual winner, provided it's not Jean-Marie Le Pen. No guarantee, of course, that the invitation will be taken up.
Given the Fort's isolated location as the official holiday home for French presidents, les couples Sarkozy, Royal or Bayrou are not likely to drive all their neighbours wild with rowdy house-warmings or noisy, dusty building work. But we may yet bump into them if they venture into our neck of the local woods.
I know who I want to be there in the post-Chirac era. But if you want to know more about that, you will just have to keep coming back to Salut!, where I will declare my non-voting preference as we get nearer election day (April 22).
Labels: Elysée, Fort de Brégancon, François Bayrou, Le Lavandou, Nicolas Sarkozy, president, Segolene Royal
Do you suppose Whoever-It-Will-Be will worried about what they're moving into?
You won't forget the "Bonjour, Monsieur le Président" or whatever form of address Ségo might choose, will you?
Shouldn't you be on your way to the Telegraph open house to suck up to your new best friend?
I don't know who Bill Taylor thinks I am, but I'm not on my way to anywhere, except the kitchen to prepare food, and I don't think I'd want to go to a Telegraph open house. Too many retired colonels, what? And weird journalists!
I know who you are. We all do. But it's quite clear, in more ways than one, that you have someone posting on your behalf today. It's not much of a smokescreen, though.
It is not generally known that there are squads of hamsters scuttling around the country carrying laptop computers, ready to post from one spot then racing off before their position can be traced. The smokescreen is provided by a volunteer puffing on a Churchillian-sized cigar, and extra protection is given by airborne porcine units.
Now swallow this story with a glass of water, Bill Taylor, and spend the weekend lying in a darkened room. Perhaps next week you will be able to rejoin the real world.
While it must be a comfort to you that "we all" know, it may not be helpful to your recovery, medically speaking.
Ah, you're back. Did you have a jolly time and bore the socks off everyone?
Well, he has been needing a new pair of socks for some time, so probably pinched a couple of pairs in London.
Louise, you're back, too! Good trip?
Shane Richmond's being quite reticent about the open day and the two or three people who have written about it don't have much to say. I think it may have been a crushing disappointment.
I hope we shall be surprised in the first round of the elections - Ségo has run out of steam, Sarko is too frightening, so that leaves the Third Man..
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