old salut!

Colin Randall wrote here on France, things Anglo-French and more......but has moved

October 19, 2006

Counting your blessings

This site has now moved to Salut!

Salut! is not Billy No Mates.

Not unlike Another Place, where a redesign of the blogs meant that older items appeared without any of the comments originally posted by readers, a glance at the bottom of the page - though I have now moved it far higher on expert advice - shows a meter with a rather pathetic head count.

I am not quite so devoid of readers. I swear more than four people, and that number included me, had been here by the time I started composing this post on Thursday. Not quite two days later, I am tolerably happy to be nudging 400.

It was an inquiry from elsewhere about the number of visits Salut! has received to date that prompted me to discover something new about blogging. How to count them. Unfortunately, it is clearly not retrospective.

So we start from scratch, as if today were the first day on which anyone sought out or chanced upon this corner of cyberspace. Such are the joys of learning.

This site has now moved to Salut!


At October 19, 2006 6:15 PM, Blogger Louise said...

Don't worry Colin, we are all behind you and counting!

Can some super bloggy person explain to me why I can't connect onto 'Links'? Thanks ...

Sarah - I was just wondering what happened to Diane? Haven't heard from her in ages...

At October 19, 2006 9:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't get to any of the links either at home or at work. No idea why except that maybe Colin hadn't put them in right.... (is that possible????....)

As for Diane, Louise, she is up to her eyeballs starting an association to help young artists, and setting up an exhibition of her own artwork. She's also had many computer issues which have prevented her from coming online, and other issues too which have preoccupied her time and mind.

At October 19, 2006 9:28 PM, Blogger Colin Randall said...

Well I can get into all four links, without logging on as the administrator...........experts advise pse

At October 20, 2006 9:12 AM, Blogger richard of orléans said...

Welcome back Colin. Yes we do need a few more bloggers. I'm off to inspect the Ecole des Mines at Nantes this weekend as well as the magnificient Magnolia Grandiflora that line the streets. It was one of the first cities in Europe to import the magnolia (I think Weymouth or Wexmouth was the other one) The famous Magnolia Xsoulangia was developed by the duc de soulange in the Nantes botanical gardens. I will probably have a greek meal in the beautiful old city centre. Certainly not curry.

At October 20, 2006 9:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

About the links.
I normally use Firefox. This shows me the entire homepage as one long column, The links appear near the bottom and don't work. If I use Internet Explorer, there are two colums, the links appear near the top of the right hand column, and they work.
Pierre L

At October 20, 2006 10:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, Pierre, that must be it. I use Firefox too and have the same layout - one column with stuff at the bottom, which it didn't used to be like. When Colin first started the blog, I had two columns, but the links still didn't work.

How odd.

At October 20, 2006 10:44 AM, Blogger PhilB said...

With IE, the links all seem to work for me, though there are a few blank spaces... something to aspire to, no doubt.
Last year, I worked in a Lycée, and got some of my students reading Colin's blog, and even a few other blogs on the Telegraph site. This year, I'm in a collège, and what's more, it's a "ZEP" or "Zone d'Education Prioritaire" and I feel like we're light years away from being able to do the simplest sorts of internet activities, no chance in hell of perusing blogs, with their freewheeling and often disjointed approach to ideas. I suppose I should just give up... and be happy that I can find some time between classes for my own peregrinations. I like stopping in here, seeing the same "faces" and juggling comments back and forth. That must be the blog spirit, eh?

Cheers, --- Phil, who didn't even say "attack" once.


At October 20, 2006 4:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to let you know if anybody cares that I'm not going to be around for a bit, I've been under the doctor and he's putting me in hospital. So thanks all, the last couple of weeks have been fun, taken me out of myself. See you later.

At October 22, 2006 9:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh gosh, it has all fallen into place. The links work and there are two columns!

And a big ad!

At October 22, 2006 9:23 PM, Blogger Colin Randall said...

But, Sarah, it's mostly a case of trial and error.....

At October 23, 2006 12:19 PM, Blogger richard of orléans said...

You are all turning into geeks. Advancing senility, you are prentending to be young. Or is it that you seek immortality in your wise words? Better to rot in an anonymous hole as an unknown sweeper than have a latter day Lady Antonia Fraser write a pap version of your life to fatten her bank balance. Nantes was nice.

At October 23, 2006 1:08 PM, Blogger richard of orléans said...

Anne I don't much like faction. I think it is no more than a fraud. I actually read her book on Cromwell, but afterwards you have a disagreeable feeling of being hoodwinked into believing untruths. I was particularly shocked with the Marie Antoinette film business. Anyway no decent French person will go and see the torchon. Nantes is one of the finest towns in France. It was a marvelous weekend, good restaurants, wonderful shops and market, great botanical garden. The ecoles des mines is also an extraordinarily good school. One point they made is that they don't do cheque book education. In the US and the UK the same education would cost 30k and 20k euro per year respectively. Whereas the French pay next to nothing. Should your education depend on you bank balance?


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