Dreaming of Barnsley and the Elysée

Not to be taken too literally........though it is my favourite lamp and I felt it had the edge on a test card.
But all my enthusiasm for blogging on a matchday Saturday is channelled elsewhere.
Normal service here will return some time on Monday, by which time - as of 8pm French time tomorrow, Sunday, to be precise - M Chirac will at last have ended his mischievous little guessing game, formally establishing himself as an imminent ex-president.
Labels: football, Salut Sunderland, Sunderland
Have you gone over for the game? As I write this, the teams should be just about coming onto the field....
No. kicked off at 1.30 and midway through second half, we've just scored. 1-0.
Hey - if the game is so good, how come you are keeping an eye on your 'comments' at the same time?!
Because, unfortunately, I am not in South Yorkshire but the south of France........listening to commentary on internet while dealing with the Fisc (and yes, keeping an eye on comments). 2-0 by the way, easy win by sound of it. I know you were dying to hear...
That's a tough deal South of France rather than Sunderland.
I'll be watching tbe rugby tomorrow.
I was just in a smart village near Orléans. I saw a distinguished lady walking her poodles. I said , "oh they are nice poodles" (good line heh). We finished up chatting for half an hour. 3 other people came over and joined the chat. She finally left, had to watch the rugby.
Colin maybe you choose the wrong sports.
I was absolutely dying to hear. We're coming into an interesting week: A key matchup tomorrow between Wolves & West Brom and then Tuesday's games. Sorry, I should probably be posting this at Salut! Sunderland. But the wrong sport, Richard? Rugby (which I played at school and loved; I was a lousy soccer player) was never this riveting.
I can't join in this debate, I'm afraid. I've got a football IQ of about minus 7. The only footballers I've heard of are George Best and David Beckham...and Eric Cantona, and only because of the albatrosses...
Who won then? I'm only being polite as you know that I don't really care!
Are you off carnivalling again today? It's all happening down there in le Lavendou!
Go back a few messages Louise for the information you don't really want - - and if you really, really don't want it, go to www.salutsunderland.tyepapd.com, a veritable mine of unwanted information.
And yes to Le Lavandou. Might put me a lively frame of mind for Chirac ce soir
Sorry - I didn't reading the posting correctly (shows my passion and knowledge for football!) - I thought it was the latest score and not the final score!
Suppose we shall have to have a quick look at Chirac tonight - wouldn't be funny if he decided to run again! And what about Bayrou - he seems to be the chouchou of the moment, doesn't he ?
A brief return to the vexed question of polenta:
My wife Lesley just made a batch and served it, following a Sardinian recipe, with lamb sausage, prosciutto, carrots, onions, garlic, a little tomato sauce and parmesan cheese. Accompanied by a passable Chianti, it was a first-rate dinner.
Yes, but with all those other yummy ingredients...would you miss it if it wasn't there?
Sounds a great dinner. Yes Louise, there is not just taste in a meal there is also texture. Besides the taste of the yummy ingredients absorbed into the polenta is a great mixture.
Better than dumplings.
I am in morning over the rugby. But big Jaques was great last night. I am waiting for the cynical Anglo saxon comments.
I thought he was in splendid 'guignol' mode last night! "Ecouteeeez...."
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